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Leaders of development banks discuss the role of their institutions in the search for a greener economy, essential for the post-pandemic recovery.




"Some time ago, their traditional role was more one of providing credit to specific companies, perhaps the ones with more visible climate protection activities than others, such as biogas in Brazil and wind power providers. I think this trend will continue in the future, but the new role of development banks will be much more about developing the green financial market. Effectively investing on credits, on green financing and on climate protection."

Claudia Arce

Director | Kfw

"It is now obvious, even though in a more distant past it was not seen that way, that if you want to raise your GDP, if you want to create jobs and have a prosperous country, naturally the economic agenda has to go hand in hand with the social agenda, and also with the environmental one; it is a tripod."

Gustavo Montezano

President | BNDES

One of the functions of development banks most cited by the panelists is the provision of technical assistance, helping and guiding states and municipalities on the path towards a more sustainable and economically healthy world. "Not only at the city level, but also for states and the federal government, the issue is not the lack of resources, but how to apply the existing resources," explained Montezano.


Leany Lemos também comentou sobre o papel da conexão que os bancos devem fazer com líderes de órgãos públicos, que, segundo ela, já têm a questão do meio ambiente como uma de suas preocupações.

"With regard to the public sector, I think they are already truly sensitized." Most of the meetings in the bank along the last week [Lemos took office at BRDE on December 3] were with many elected mayors seeking to talk to the bank; they want to know what the bank can offer, what the bank can do."

Leany Lemos

President | BRDE

The Amazon, which has been at the top of most recent dialogues, was also discussed. Claudia Arce pointed out that Kfw has been collaborating for its preservation. "The fact is that we have had funding lines for the Amazon for a long time bringing very important cooperation, both directly and through the BNDES, and also with several states in the Amazon. I believe the most popular line is the Amazon Fund, which is heavily invested by Norway and Germany. These lines have different objectives, some are more focused on protection, others on reforestation, and still others on technical assistance to local communities to protect the climate and the forest."



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